Day 1: How to Create A New Empowering Habit

Day 1: How to Create A New Empowering Habit

In this video, I’ll share with you 4 simple steps to create a new habit that’s empowering and moves you closer to the big dreams and goals you have designed for yourself.

Listen to the video message below for the following steps:

  1. Have your goal/vision clearly defined on what you want the outcome to be.
  2. Commit to one small action daily to reach your goal.
  3. Be consistent with your actions. Focus on the process and the small actions rather than the overarching goal.
  4. Add some spice to the challenge by adding pain or pleasure to motivate and inspire yourself towards action and ultimately achievement of your goal.

Join me in my 30 day Facebook Live Challenge by going to and commenting on this video #30DayFacebookLive or whatever challenge you’re willing to commit to in your business and life.

I’d love to support you in you stepping out of your comfort zone!

I promise the next ones will be during the day so you can see more of the natural beauty that we live by!

Talk to you tomorrow,


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