Top 3 Facebook Ad Types For Serious Network Marketers

Top 3 Facebook Ad Types For Serious Network Marketers

Are you a network marketer looking to advertise using the power of Facebook?

Great news! It is more affordable (and yes, profitable) today more than ever to run paid advertising.

Facebook has given network marketers a platform (if you use it correctly) that is by far, the quickest way to automate and scale your business to six and seven figures.

How do you do that?

The following types of ads are the kinds you should ALWAYS be running.

A lot of ‘gurus’ will teach you to build a fan page and then drive your potential customers to a capture page.

But the really savvy network marketers will send Facebook traffic and potential customers to a series of ads with multiple types of mediums for even more bang for their buck.

Here’s why…

User Experience is Facebook’s goal!

If you remember this, you will be more likely to give Facebook what it wants and it will in turn give you more of what you want (higher converting ads and customers).

By paying attention to the fact that Facebook is a social platform and that most people hop onto it to see what is happening in their world, you can find more synergy with the platform,

Entering into the world of Facebook ads is not only difficult and can get costly if you do not make sure the user experience is fostered.

So first and foremost, you will want to engage your audience. The following 3-step system will work hand-in-hand for network marketers to online entrepreneurs as well as small-business owners.

So without further ado, the first ad to run is this kind:

From the beginning of human civilization, stories have always been a way to connect and identify with others.

In fact the most read book in all of history, regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs is the Bible and it is FILLLED with stories!

This is also why TV is so popular, especially the explosion of reality TV.

Even though we all know it’s not the true reality of the stars’ lives, we are captivated by the story that is available for us to watch with the push of a button.

Humans communicate through stories no matter what medium!

This is what has been the revolution… People are looking for an outlet and they get that through connecting with others on social media platforms like Facebook.

And who doesn’t like a good story…

  • Look at some of the most viewed videos… they tell a story in 5 mins or less.
  • Look at some of the most reshared memes… they tell a story in a split second.
  • Look at your favorite speakers or gurus… they teach and connect through story telling.

Develop an emotional rapport with your audience and they’ll transform into your loyal fans.

When you put yourself out there and are the real, authentic you, people will better relate to you…

They’ll feel like,

“That person is just like me.They went through an experience just like mine.”

And when you continue to share your knowledge, leading the way for them to work with you, when the time comes to ask, they’ll be the first in line to jump in.

Because they see themselves in you.
Because they want to become more like you.
Because they identify with you.
And the way to connect is through story telling.

The way to convert using a story telling ad is the following:

  1. Either have them “comment below” to get more information about what you do… Or
  2. Send them to your website to get people to sign up for something free that you’re going to give them in exchange for their email address (recommended)

With your story ad, you’ll get people who are more likely to follow you for the long run by letting people into your world.

Not everyone will be attracted to you… that’s perfectly fine.

You want the people who will relate to you… and in turn, you’ll better relate to them.

The next type of ad will attract even more followers if you do it right…

Facebook has already said that video is the wave of the future.

And right now is the time to capitalize on how cheap video views are.

Facebook is rewarding advertisers who use video by making the views that much cheaper and the “reach” to more people that much more great.

You can create a brand overnight using video and become familiar sooner rather than later.

With these types of ads, you may not see a conversion right away, but it will definitely get you more followers sooner (which in turn leads to loyal fans who buy your opportunity or products).

Video is one of the fastest ways for fans to get to know you.

Facebook live is one of the quickest and best ways to build an audience of followers.

The great news is there is nothing “techie” about it.

Advanced strategy Alert

Afterwards, you can easily “boost” your post gathering more audience members and a bigger reach.

Let the boosted post run for a couple of days and then you can go to your ads Manager, under audiences, you’ll be able to create a custom audience of everyone who viewed your video.

Later, you can follow up with your audience or even select them to view other ads (i.e. story ads 😉 or future facebook lives) of yours to boost engagement on those ads.

This custom audience will grow and with more videos and exposure to you, they’ll be more likely to know, like and trust you which is key to converting them into to customers or business builders in your opportunity.

The last type of ad is equally as important as the first two…

This is the type of ad you want to run last. Why?

Because it’s the one that you ask people to raise their hands to tell you they’re ready to work with you.

You might just be asking them to sign up for your website in exchange for a free gift, but everyone knows, you’ll eventually be asking them to purchase something from you.

The conversion ad is something that works best when people already know your story and know a little about you.

When they’re familiar with you, they’ve seen some videos on you, they can already determine if you’re someone they want to listen to and follow.

And if you have positioned yourself as an authority on a problem they’re trying to solve, Boom… your conversions will be that much better when you send them to a conversion ad.

You can even combine a video ad with a conversion ad by making your call to action at the end of your video something like this…

“If you liked this video, I have more. Hit me up or visit my website at ______ to get my free gift.”

Be sure that your audience is familiar with you before you “ask” for them to take the next step with you.

Make sure your audience knows what that next step is too.

Be specific!

You want them to make a commitment, but a confused mind does nothing.

Take them through a series of small commitments first…

For example, everytime you ask for someone to “like” or “share” a video or post, that’s a small commitment.

If you ask them to visit your website, that’s a small commitment.

If you ask for their email address in exchange for something of value for free, that’s a small commitment (to some people with lots of email, it’s a more sizable commitment so make sure the free gift is something valuable to the visitor).

All those small commitments add up eventually to a customer… but it takes the small steps first for them to get to know, like and trust you.

Each step is building more trust.
Each step is a step towards you or away from you so make sure your message is always similar and never turning a major corner (i.e. Corner turner: you’re promising them X and then when they take that commitment, you give the Y)

It is all About Building Relationships

By running the 3 different kinds of ads, you demonstrate:

  • You’re a real person your audience can relate to
  • You have a legitimate business
  • You’re interesting and someone to listen to
  • You can relate to your audience and understands how to solve their problems

With these kinds of ads and the rapport you’ve built, you’ll be well on your way to your dream business in no time.

Now if you require more in depth training on what I covered today, the good news is it’s right here.
I recommend this over-the-shoulder tour of…

Our highest-converting Facebook ads and campaigns!

Discover the exact formula that turned a $10 test campaign into $141,246.30 in sales.

Hosted by on of my mentors and coaches, Tim Erway, CEO and co-founder of Elite Marketing Pro.

Tim will take you through a point-for-point tutorial revealing our exact advertising process in a 100% FREE traffic workshop.

Pick a time and register for the free webinar here.

You won’t want to miss it.

To Your Success,

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