Why Your Network Marketing Business is Vulnerable if You Do NOT Build Online

Why Your Network Marketing Business is Vulnerable if You Do NOT Build Online

It’s time to get real…
Are you ready? 

In today’s day and age, if you’re NOT building online, you could lose your network marketing income overnight. 

So if you are building a network marketing income the “old school” belly to belly way, and ignoring the online “stuff” like your upline may want you to do, you could lose your income overnight. 

Let me explain why… 

If – that is – you’re NOT building your business online simultaneously.

Yes, the proverbial belly to belly method works for those with a warm market, a thick skin and many prospects, it’s also finite and putting all your “eggs in one basket.”

We’ll discuss this more in a moment.

But first, if you’re reading this, you probably already know that ‘old school’ network marketing is overdone, tedious, and downright slow to build your network marketing business given all the ultra-connected possibilities of prospecting via social media and the internet.

And before you read any further, it would be irresponsible of me not to address one of the biggest obstacles networkers face, and that is that when it comes to making an income with network marketing…

The company you represent is very important!

Yes, there are more progressive companies that are very friendly with building your business online.

But, to be honest, most companies are not…

And some companies are simply NOT going to be a good fit for building online.

Whether yours is or not is up to you to determine… But even if yours is NOT, you really should read on to find out why even YOU should not ignore the online world of endless prospects.

Your company may want to exert control over what you’re doing, so you should be able to identify in your terms and agreement whether or not your company will or will not oppose.

Always make your decisions for your business knowing that some companies are dead set against distributors building online and will fight you every step of the way.

Choose wisely when it comes to your opportunity!

Some companies will have rules and policies that are friendly to building online or building a brand or building other businesses while you’re signed up with them…

However, others will have rules that vary and can even be extremely vague.

Things are not always as they appear.

And it’s a sad fact that they can throw their rules out at anytime since most people don’t read their lawyer written, thesis length rules and policies…

Meaning that at any time they can tell you,

“This is against our policies and procedures, so we’re shutting your account down.”


You have No Power: Network Marketing Companies Can Terminate You With Little Notice.

At anytime if they so choose…

It all comes down to who has more money to pay the lawyers.

And without naming names, look at the biggest company in this industry globally and see how they’ve gone after their members blatantly and viciously, drowning them with lawyer fees as they try to wade through the legal process.

All while their income completely disappears overnight.

The moral of the story is that if you’re only doing network marketing, you don’t truly hold your independence… your company does.


You don’t Really Own A Business if you’re Just a Distributor!

You’re really not independent at all.

If you’ve read Kiyosaki’s “Cashflow Quadrant”, you are basically between an employee and self-employed.

To get from an employee to business owner, you actually have to have a business that you own the products or services and do your own marketing.

You have to own your own corporation.

And with network marketing, you don’t really own anything, so you’re not even self-employed.

If you were, say a doctor, you’d have:

  • a building or office
  • trade equipment
  • intellectual property on how to run their business
  • a corporation
  • their list (the most important part of selling their practice/business)

So as a self-employee, they actually own something.

In network marketing, the sad fact is that you don’t even have that.

You could argue that in network marketing, you have a website, but unless it’s branded to you, the company gives you a website, but they can take if back in a flash if you’re ever out of compliance or shut down.

So that being said…
How do you create real security of income in network marketing?

How do you diversify so you’re not left vulnerable and without an income?

Well, there are three forms of security for your business.

And we’ll talk about each of those strategies below.

It was Robert Allen who first made this concept popular in the real estate industry, but in reality, this concept has been around for a long time and the truly wealthy have been practicing this for ages.

Multiple streams of income means earning money from different sources, so that you’re never left holding the bag if your company gets shut down, goes away, or turns their back on you (or if you have a falling out with the leadership).

Believe it or not, when you are successful in your network marketing business, jealousy can play a big role and companies can be influenced by other leaders griping about how you are building your business.

A lot of eyeballs can be turned on you and the company will make a decision based on what is right for their company (and their leadership).

It happens all the time…

Other factors that can influence your income are:
Changes in the compensation plan
The company chooses to merge with another company that has a different commission plan
Or the company could even get shut down by the FTC (which has happened to many)

Whatever the scenario, if you have multiple streams of income through an online brand that you build along with your network marketing downline, where you’re monetizing people via different sources, you will be one of the survivors.

Note: I’m not talking about cross-recruiting into different companies.

Because you’re building a following and an income outside of your network marketing business, you will survive any kind of fall out from your company…

Ultimately, it comes down to what you can control. And if you build a brand, that’s yours forever… No company can shut off that stream of income.

Say, if you monetized through affiliate programs or your own products, then it’s your own following and income you’ve built. The benefits are obvious and endless.

If this has ever happened to you, your company went down in a blaze of glory, you know it’s hard to rebuild quickly if your business is completely offline.

I’ve seen a lot of six and seven figure earners who lost their income overnight and struggled to rebuild because they built offline, a long time ago. It’s difficult for them to rebuild the same way and in some cases, they don’t even remember how they built their business.

Now they’re finding themselves behind others who have built multiple streams, trying to figure out how their business fits into a new technological landscape, as it relates to social media and the internet.

But if you’ve built online then you’ve learned skillsets that are more efficient and effective, building faster than ever.

In addition, your downline can duplicate those skillsets and find better success as well, whether with social media or other online methods.

And most important is that you have a world-wide following that allows you to rebuild your buisness, and have multiple streams quickly if you ever lose your income.

And best of all…

The people who build their business online through social media recruiting versus people building by stalking people locally , any day of the week.

Learning true business fundamentals means that you can apply these same skills to ANY business or venture.

And by having these skillsets, you can move into another business, in another industry, and still use the same skills.

Let’s ask… why DID you get into network marketing in the first place

You may say something like…

“I only got into network marketing because I wanted financial freedom, not because I was particularly passionate about network marketing. I’m still not passionate about it, however, it was a necessary stepping-stone for me to move towards building my REAL dream business.”

With learning true business fundamentals, I’ve observed many people move into other ventures.

And they’re able to be successful at building those businesses too, even if they are in a completely different field, such as the health industry or even real estate.

They took the same skillsets they learned while building their network marketing business online, and applied them to the other industry.

With these same skills, they learned from people like me, my mentors and colleagues in the online world, and they went to create their REAL dream business, which I celebrate!

That is TRUE independence!!

What is true independence for you?

Is it having the option to pursue anything you want and being completely unrestricted, following your own rules?

That’s not something you have when you’re building a traditional business in network marketing.

With that being said, if you’re making $25,000 a month in network marketing and something happens; this all could come to a screeching halt.

You want to be able to build a new business from scratch QUICKLY.

And you can!

… if you learn the skillsets to build your business online.

Let’s recap here:

Your business isn’t vulnerable if you…

  1. Create multiple streams of income
  2. Know how to rebuild efficiently and faster with online methods that can be duplicated
  3. Learn skills that allow you to build any business

Following these strategies will truly give you the security of income and allow you to purpose your dreams, whether they are in the network marketing space or not.

Now, if you want to know how to keep your business safe in the future…

I invite you to sign up for my free online recruiting bootcamp by my mentor Ferny Ceballos.

You’ll learn the online business building skillsets he used to passively generate 300-500 leads per day, 30-50 customers per day, and recruit 70-100 new serious business builders into his business each month.

These are the exact strategies he used to create a world-wide brand and over 15 million dollars in revenue.

Don’t let the business you’ve toiled over and worked so hard to build stay vulnerable.

Instead, learn how to brand yourself, build your own following online, and develop multiple streams of income that you can control.

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here and I’ll gladly give you access to my 10-day bootcamp

And if you’ve found this content helpful, please lead a comment below and feel free to share it on social media by clicking the corresponding social media button below.

To your success,

Mia DeBolt
Chief Marketing Officer
DeBolt Enterprises LLC

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